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This is Arun Mukkatt, a Digital Marketer. I am academically an engineer and started my career as an SEO Trainee. I came to know about SEO and Digital Marketing by accident and happy to choose the career.

Through my career, I came to know about blogging and its benefits. Also, blogging may help others with information. So, I just started to blog and my personal blog is Arun Mukkatt.

From my career, I learn a bit of designing, blogging, and web designing I wish to share the methods and shortcuts which I used or learned. I hope that those pieces of information may help some people.

The thing I realized from my life and career is that the learning makes us keep progressing, there is no time that we have complete knowledge in anything and the practices make things easy.

I wish to share the pieces I learned and also open to suggestions and advice.

Anyway, thanks for your visit.

Arun Mukkatt


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