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Waiting for Approval - The Reason Why I Choose to Start Thinking to Build Personal Brand

I am currently working as a Digital Marketer. I am not a good marketer but still, I believe that I can able to make some changes in one's business through my digital marketing strategies.

I am writing this because of some irritating moments while I am doing my work. Actually, I love this profession. Most of my friends really wonder about this as we work more on social media which they are using for their leisure time. But, the job is not as easy as they think and not much fun as they expected. Sure, it is a serious job and we have to be careful and bothered about each step we are going to take.

Anyway, I am not here to explain all of the difficulties in this profession. Even I'm not good enough to figure out everything. Here, I am writing about a single thing that makes me so irritate and that is none other than getting approval from top level. Getting approval from clients and superiors are difficult. In other ways, it is difficult to satisfy superiors and clients with the stuff we have.

They are always hungry to get more, as we are also hungry to get more from them. The only difference is they are expecting results and we are expecting money.

Actually, it is not what exactly happening. We are not bothered about the money only. The results from our works satisfy us more than the clients do. But it is too difficult to manage better results and their satisfaction. They are in guidelines surrounded by do's and don'ts so as we are too. This is why we are having a difficult situation that is waiting for their approval.

Sometimes it is a blog post, sometimes it is a social media post or sometimes it may be a landing page. Whatever it is, there may be re-work in it and we have to send this multiple times for approval. In the other case, we may convince them we do the best research and the work will results in good for you. That sometimes makes an ego issue too.

So, this is it. It is a very irritating thing that I figured out in my career. 

Now, think about another case. They are so-called influencers. They are blogging or posting their own passion and theirs on likes. Still, business owners run after them. Ready to pay them. This makes us little trouble. We say we are good at blogging, we are good at social media posts. But, each and every time we need to prove it, we have to compromise something for client's or superior's satisfaction.

This makes me think of building a brand for myself. I also need to become an influencer and ready to start work for it. I thought that there are many benefits to this. I can do blog posts about whatever I like and can work for it whenever I want. So, I decided and start researching. I saw a video of Niel Patel about this:

This makes me realize that it is not easy and not a piece of cake. True, it takes at least 10 years for being an influencer and it makes me sad. Now, what to do?

That's okay. It takes time. But, if I haven't started it now, the 10 years will move to another 20 or 30 years or may be it will never happen. But, I can say myself as a social media marketer, blogger, digital marketer. Also, may my blogs or posts may give some information to someone.

So, I finalize that I have to start blogging even if I am not good at it. It will improve on my journey and hope for a better result.


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